Les activités artistiques de Seijiro Murayama se composent de la pratique d'improvisation, de la collaboration interdisciplinaire (avec la chorégraphie, l'art plastique, le théâtre, la performance) et du workshop sur l'improvisation.
Il a commencé sa carrière avec Keiji Haino au Japon en 1982 et puis il travaille en France depuis 1999.
En tant que musicien-improvisateur, il a des collaborateurs comme Jean-Luc Guionnet, Axel Dörner, Eric La Casa, Klaus Filip, Hugo Abraham, Roger Fähndrich. La batterie et la voix sont ses instruments principaux.
Une cinquantaine d'albums sont créés par lui, parmi lesquels deux en sont dédiés à la composition électroacoustique.
Il a collaboré notamment avec Catherine Diverrès, danseuse-chorégraphe, de 2006 à 20023.
Le rapport entre le langage et le non-langage l’intéresse.
Voici quelques évènements marquants dans sa carrière depuis 2000 :
- Participation (à part à une quinzaine de festivals internationaux)
au festival la Force de l’Art au Grand Palais avec Jean-Luc Nancy, philosophe, en 2006
à la Nuit des Musées à Paris au musée Zadkine (2010) et au musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (2018) avec Eric La Casa
à la Nuit des Musées à Paris au musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (2022) avec Frédéric Blondy.
- Résidence de création, “Seuil” avec Pascale Criton, compositeur, à la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris en 2008
- Lauréat 2016 en résidence Villa Kujoyama à Kyoto, avec Didier Aschour
- Plusieurs créations avec les Monuments Nationaux (Villa Savoye, la Conciergerie, Le Couvent de la Tourette)
Seijiro Murayama was born in 1957 in Nagasaki, Japan. He has been working on improvisation since 1980.
He uses voice and percussion and tries to apply his practice of improvisation to other fields of creative activities.
Graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Eiichi Chino, Masahiro Nishie, Toshihiko Izutsu, Fumio Koizumi, Shuzo Kuki, then French Literature + Philosophy through skew reading, in particular, Blanchot. Their influence seems to have determined his activities’ direction since then.
In 1982, he toured the United States with Keiji Haino, and during his stay in New York just after that, he encountered the radical, provoking music of John Zorn, a lower Manhattan emerging force. After coming back to Japan, through the explosive sound trio Absolute Null Punkt, under the influence of Akira Aida, Kenichi Takeda, Masami Akita, the magazine Transonic, musicians Derek Bailey, Kaoru Abe, etc., he embarked publicly on an exploration of improvisation. Although he temporarily refrained from performing due to some doubts about the styles of the first generation of improvisers he had followed, he restarted playing, thanks to the movements such as Onkyo in Japan in the 90's.
In 99, he had an opportunity to live and work in France, which changed his way of thinking and playing, he began to concentrate in particular on solo improvisation.
Today, he mainly performs in solo, duo and trio formats. As for collaborations with other fields' artists, he notes that even if he has experienced quite a lot of sorts of collaborations with dance and theater, his current interest is more towards words, images and sounds.
(dec 2023)
In Japan (84-99):
ANP "Absolut Null Punkt" <CS> [Nux Organization] 84
ANP / NULL "Dyspareunia" <CS> [Nux Organization] 84
V.A. "Dead Tech Sampler" <LP> [Dossier] ger 85
ANP / NULL "Ultima Hyper Drugs" <LP> [Nux Organization] 86
ANP "Ultrasonic" <LP> [Nux Organization] 86
ANP "Ultima Action" <LP> [Nux Organization] 87
ANP "Killsonic Action" <LP> [Dossier] ger 87
FUSHITSUSHA "Fushitsusha" <LP> [PSF] 90
ANP "Ultrasonic Action" <CD> [Nux Organization] 93
V.A. "Welcome to the Dream World" (Producteur Fred Frith) <LP> [Celluloid] fr/us
In France (99-):
"Resonnance" <CD+BOOK> [La Fraternelle] fr 2002
"Sezyme" <CD+BOOK> [Sezyme] fr 02
Antez + Seiji "s.t." <CD> [Azimute] fr 03
Lo "s.t." <CD> [Ektic] fr 04
ANP "Absolut Null Punkt" <CD> [Important] us 04
"They Stood Around and Watched" with Michael Northam <mini CD> [Universalinternational] fr 04
"Suture" with Eric Cordier <CDR> (no label) fr 04
ANP "Metacompound" <CD> [Important] us 06
"Hatari Atsalei" with Lionel Marchetti <CD> [Intransitive Recordings] us 08
"Le Bruit du Toit" with JeanLuc Guionnet <CD> [Xing Wu Records] malaysia 08
"Moriendo Renascor" with Michael Northam <CD> [Xing Wu Records] malaysia 08
"Noite" with JeanLuc Guionnet,Ernesto Rodriques,Guilherme Rodrigues <CD> [Creative Source Recordings] por 09
"Ready'n" with Masafumi Ezaki,Kazushige Kinoshita <CD> [Tenseless music] jap 09
"Supercedure" with Eric La Casa <CD> [Hibari Music] jap 09
"Space and place" with soundworm <CD> [Improvised Music From Japan] jap 09
"4 pieces with a snare drum" (solo) <CD> [Petit Label] fr 09
"Solos" (solo) <CD> [Zerojardin] fr 09
"Idioms and idiots" with Ray Brassier, JeanLuc Guionnet, Mattin [w.m.o/r 35] sp 09
"Offcells" with Taku Unami, Uta Kawasaki, Takahiro [L’innomable] slovenia 10
"Snared 60 cuts" with Toshiya Tsunoda [Skiti] jap10
"Nepretrganost" with Tomaz Grom [L’innomable] slo 10
"Window Dressing" with JeanLuc Guionnet [Potlach] fr 11
"Axiom For The Duration" with Stéphane Rives [Potlach] fr 11
"59:01.68" with Kazushige Kinoshita [Ftarri] jap12
"Broken Iteration" (2xCD, Album) [Herbal International]13
"Paris: Public Spaces" with Éric La Casa [Ftarri] jap 14
"Mishima, Day & Night" with Jean-Luc Guionnet [Ftarri] jap15
"Zashomon" with Miguel a. García [Hybrida] ita16
"Rainyseason" with Philip Smartzis [Bogong Sound] australia16
"Karoujite" with Cristián Alvear [Potlach] fr17
"Downdate" solo electro acoustic composition [Hitorri] jap17
"Idiophonic" with Jean-Luc Guionnet [Ftarri] jap18
"The empire of slip of the tongue(または湿原の帝国)" solo electro acoustic composition [Hittori] jap19
"Duo Chandos" with Axel Dörner [Sind] germany 19
"Solos" (solo) <CD> [Zerojardin] fr 19 > reissue
"Monotaste"[No Lagos Musique] fr 2019 (voice) cassette
"Mi-tai" [Hitorri] jap 2020
"Live in Madrid" with Cristián Alvear [Litle Soul and Vintage Vinyl] china 2020
"Al Karpenter. if we can't dream, they won't sleep!!" with various artists [ever/never] usa 2020
"Blues Mistake, Red Mistake" with Yan Jun, Matija Schellander, Jean-Luc Guionnet [Meenna] jap 2020
"Dented Time" with Per Oddvar Johansen [Ftarri] jap 2020
"Busolini Murayama Duet" with Cyprien Busolini [Ftarri] jap 2021
"To listen to as far as possible" [Hitorri] jap 2022
Musical intervention:
Seuils, with Pascale Criton at the Cité Internationales Universitaires de Paris (2008)
Music of the Architecture, with Pascale Criton at the convent of La Tourette (2008)
Le Corbusier and the color, with Pascale Criton at the Villa Savoye (2009)
For the projection of photos organised by Purpose (photo webmagasine) (2006 Brussels, 2009 Paris in MyParis festival)
Chaosmose de Felix Guattari - Une lecture collective avec Pascale Criton (2011)
Pour l'exposition de Silvia Hatzl (2017)
Pour l'exposition "Holobiont Society" de Dominique Koch (2017)
Pour Finissage of the exhibition “Le vent nous portera…” of the Basel-Stadt art credit (Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt)
DNA Poetry Reading pour l'exposition de Dominique Koch (2018)
SKIF (with KK Null / Moscou, 2004)
NAPAI (with Eric Cordier / Parthenay, 2005)
Montpellier Danse (with Catherine Diverrès / 2005)
La Force de l’Art (with Jean-Luc Nancy, Olivier Gallon, Lionel Marchetti / Grand Palais, Paris 2006)
Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (with Catherine Diverrès / 2007)
La Noce Bianca (with Jean-Luc Guionnet, Mattin / Madrid, 2007)
Altenativa (with Jean-Luc Guionnet / Prague, 2007)
Muzzix (with Jean-Luc Guionnet / Lilles, 2008)
Compil d’avril 08 (with Catherine Diverrès / Brussels, 2008)
ESPORSI (Terni, Italy, 2008), RingRing (with Jean-Luc Guionnet / Belgrad, 2008)
Interpenetration (with Tim Blechmann / Graz, 2008)
Relative (Cross) Hearings (with Eric Cordier / Budapest, 2008)
RME: rencontres musiques électroacoustiques (Chartres, 2008)
NAPAI (with Jean-Luc Guionnet, Mattin + Ray Brassier / Niort, 2008)
Sonorité (Montpellier, 2008)
Mettre en Scène (Rennes, 2008)
Ftarri festival (Kyoto, 2008)
(H)ea rings (Tokyo, 2008)
Ciclo espazos sonoros(Santiago Compostella, Spain 2009)
Fabbrica Europa (with Catherine Diverrès / Florence, 2009)
MyParis festival for Purpose (2009)
La nuit des musée à Paris (2010)
Jazz ao Centro – Coimbra International Jazz Festival
Météo (Mulhouse, 2010), Bruitisme (Poitier, 2010)
Jazz en Franche Compté (2010)
Ftarri Doubt music Festival (Tokyo, 2010)
New New festival (Brno, 2010)
RingRing festival (Belgrade 2011)
i-and-e festival (Dublin 2011)
Flâneries musicales de Reims (2011)
Suoni per Il Popolo (Montreal Canada 2014)
Festival Send and Receive (Winnipeg Canada, 2015)
Sound Disobedience (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015)
Lost Property (New Haven Uk,2016)
Electric Camps (Venice It, 2016)
ARS MUSICA (Brussels Belg,2016)
Ear we are (Bienne Ch,2017) by Riskó Gáspár
Artacts (St Johann in Tirol At, 2017)
Zarata Madrid, Zarata Bilbao (sp 2018)
Sonic Protest with Thomas Brinkmann (Paris, 2018)
La Nuit des Musées au Musée de la Chasse et la Nature (Paris 2018)
Saturnaria (Milano,2018)
Akouphène (Genève, 2018)
Le Bruit de la Musique (Creuse, fr 2023)